First discuss it with your colleague, your manager, someone from HRM, a confidential advisor or the subversive crime specialist (POCO) if you can.
Can't or won't?
Check your organisation's website and find the compliance reporting point. This is usually a committee, integrity officer or board member.
Can't or won't do this?
If you have seen or experienced something suspicious, you can report it outside your organisation to:
The KMar carries out police duties at Schiphol Airport.
0800-1814 or send an e-mail
Anonymous reporting to the KMar can be done through TCI Schiphol. The team has extensive knowledge of the airport.
030-2761216 or send an e-mail
M. is an independent organisation that protects your anonymity.
0800-7000 or online
You now know how to report a suspicious situation, but what is a suspicious situation exactly? Let us give you some examples:
Unfortunately, your colleagues can also behave inappropriately. Consider, for example:
Often, it is the accumulation of certain behaviours that is significant. Perhaps not every activity is suspicious, but you can always report a situation if you have your doubts.
For all your questions about subversive crime, you can contact a POCO (Point of contact subversive crime). This colleague is the first point of contact in your organisation or company when it comes to subversive crime.